Friday, February 5, 2010

Hmmm...I copied this. Hope its for real.

Life Is What You Make It - So Make Life Happen!
Empower Yourself To Have The Best Life Ever!"So what does that really mean - Empower"? Well the word "empower" basically means to give power or authority to do something. So in the case of "empowering yourself", it means to allow your self to do something - allow yourself to have the best life ever!How do you go about doing that? I'm sure most people, like myself, have always felt that we were trying to have the best life ever. I mean, who really wants to live a bad life? That just doesn't sound logical. Yet, for most of us, it seems like life can be pretty bad - at times. But the truth is, it's a state of mind or being. I know, that's not good enough - since many of us could be suffering from serious financial, family, or health worries. How can it be that simple? Yet, it really is - believe me!It's taken myself a long time to feel secure and conscious again about my own path, and it's all because I finally got what I was missing for many years. I finally got that my thoughts, my attitude, my actions and reactions, my focus, and my intentions, my dreams, my emotions - all that, has been controlling the outcome. It's all perception - perception in my mind. Don't get me wrong, the issues that I've been dealing with are real - as they are for all of you. But instead of allowing myself to become victim of my circumstances, I am now empowered to take control and change my circumstances to that which I want, so that I can feel good. You can too!

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